Nicky Janssen - Online agenda

Welcome to the online agenda for Podologie Nicky Janssen.
There are 3 options to choose from:

EXAM: 1h
-measurement: clinical and biomechanical exam
-gait analysis with video sequencing
-mapping for the podiatric insoles BORGINSOLE
-shoe advice

CHECK-UP for insoles: 30 min
If you already have a pair of our podiatric insoles BORGINSOLE and would like a check-up, correction or new order.

Podiatric foot care: 45 min
-general foot care appointment: clipping and milling toe nails, removing calluses
-treatment of nail pathology
-removal of corns
-wound care/medical felt therapy
-treatment of fungal nail
-ingrown nails, orthonyxie
-silicone orthosis

Appointments can only be annulled or changed by email or phone.

Please check your spam if you did not receive the confirmation email for your appointment.

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