Stephan Marien - Online agenda

Make your appointment online here. You have the following choices:

> Biomechanical Analysis: You make your FIRST appointment (1 hour) in our Center. This includes a biomechanical examination and gait analysis. Bring your shoes and shorts for this.

> Biomechanical CHECK: You are already a patient with us and would like a follow-up appointment for your podological insoles. Your last appointment was less than 3 years ago (30 min).

> Podological foot care: (30 minutes).

If the last INSPECTION of your podological soles was more than 3 years ago and/or you would like a complete new analysis of 1 HOUR, choose Biomechanical ANALYSIS.

Please fill in the correct details of the person you are making the appointment for (e.g. the names of your children).

Your appointment is only final after you have received our appointment confirmation email.

By making the online appointment you agree that we may process your data in accordance with GDPR.

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